Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Wait is Over

Twilight came and went way too fast. I can't believe this old body was able to stay up for the midnight showing, but once the movie got started it was really quite easy. I thought the movie was fabulous and am going again with Jonathan and anyone else who wants to join. Thanks for the fun company friends. Thursday happened to be a birthday for Shauna, so we went to dinner before and sang to her. Happy Birthday Shauna!!
I got two words for all y'all: BITE ME!! (Sorry about the red eye, still figuring out my camera, looks kindof vampirish!)


k8shoe said...

Good times....and my eyes were actually open in the picture. Amazing!

blairsblog6 said...

We had fun too! All the teenagers oooing and aaahing kinda bugged me, but it was a great time. I especially loved the 2 hours we sat in the theater and talked waiting for the 12:01 showing. What a bunch of loons we all are!

Stephanie said...

I'm sad I forgot my camera so I could have the proof! It was fun and I'm still paying for it. I've been sick ever since. But I did see it again. It gets better and better!