Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another Sawyer That Inspires


The White Family said...

I have to tell you about my Sawyer encounter...we were at a U2 concert in Hawaii and the entire cast of Lost was there! It was so fun, I asked Sawyer if I could take a picture with him and he said NO!! :(

blairsblog6 said...

Do you think my Sawyer will grow up to look like this? But, just clean shaven and with short hair? Well, that would probably ruin the effect... Oh well...

Mandee said...

I'm more of a Jack girl myself... but he's pretty cute. I LOVE Lost.

Melanie said...

You are soooo lucky Lori! Yes, Jess, your Sawyer will be way better looking than this one. He has a way better sense of humor! (See Lori's comment) And Mandee dear, you will never believe that I like Jake better than Edward; I know CRAZY! I will understand if you never want to speak to me again; but please please do!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, Mel, here's my attempt at sending you a message, even though I'm a "non-blogger"!:) Thanks for changing your settings to include anonymous...someday I will join the technical world and shock you all! Until then, I will remain your favorite anonymous. By the way, if a non-blogger's vote counts -Jess's Sawyer is definitely a better catch (Hi, Jess!) and U2 and Hawaii all in one trip is like a piece of heaven on earth (Hi, Lori!)and I, too, prefer Jake! You all have adorable, beautiful families. Mon